Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tom Cruise... Prognosticator?

Okay, Minority Report was a crappy movie... but i have to admit, I never saw this one coming..

Law enforcement agencies in Washington D.C. have begun to use technology that they say can predict when crimes will be committed and who will commit them, before they actually happen.

The Minority Report like pre-crime software has been developed by Richard Berk, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Okay, do we have Outer Limits music or something playing?

The technology sifts through a database of thousands of crimes and uses algorithms and different variables, such as geographical location, criminal records and ages of previous offenders, to come up with predictions of where, when, and how a crime could possibly be committed and by who.

The program operates without any direct evidence that a crime will be committed, it simply takes datasets and computes possibilities.

At least they're just using a computer to determine probabilities and not claiming they have three clairvoyants in the basement... (although considering it's Washington D.C., you never know...)

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